Club Policies 11 of 11

11. Team Management Procedures

The Club has drawn up procedures for the management of all teams, Mini-Soccer, Youth
and Open Age.

Please ensure that all team managers, coaches and helpers are aware of the management
procedures and consider them at all times.

Occasionally there will be clashes with too many teams being scheduled at home. In such cases, Team Managers should contact each other and determine how best to fit in the matches by moving kick-off times, etc. or perhaps using an alternative pitch if it is available.

Older Youth Age Groups should kick off at 2 pm due to HJFL Rules. Open Age teams must use the kick-off times according to their League Rules.

Usually, 3 matches can be played – at 10:30, 12/12:30 and 2 pm depending on the Age Groups (or Open Age) matches also taking place on the same date.

If in doubt, check with the other managers who use the same pitch before arranging the match with the opposition.

In extreme cases, you may have to consider switching the game to the opponent's ground if this is possible.

Ensure you make the League aware that you are doing this and why it is necessary.


Persons responsible for erecting goals/nets must ensure this is done with safety in mind. Under no circumstances should nets be weighted down other than with the pegs supplied (stones and other such objects must not be used). Mini Soccer goals must be securely anchored to the ground and should be tested for stability before the start of the match.

After use all equipment must be taken down and appropriately stored.

Any equipment that is broken or needs to be replaced should be reported to the Team Manager who should report this at the next Management Meeting. Sufficient spare equipment should be available in the Changing Rooms to cover emergency requirements.

If the dry lining machine is used this should be cleaned and emptied each time.

After matches, all litter must be picked up and removed from the ground.


For matches at Nibshaw Lane, players, parents and spectators must park in the car park at the end of the pitches, not on Nibshaw Lane.

Cones should be put out on Nibshaw Lane to prevent inappropriate parking. The cones should be removed after the final match of the day.

You should tell the parents and supporters of your team not to park on Nibshaw Lane at the beginning of the season and ensure that they do not do so during the season.

At all other grounds please ensure that cars are parked safely and with the consideration of local residents in mind.

It is important to notify visiting teams of all parking arrangements and restrictions in order that they do not have to move their cars when they arrive.


The Club provides goals (mini soccer), nets and corner flags for all pitches.

A significant investment has been made in recent years to provide sufficient equipment for all
age groups.

It is the responsibility of the Team Managers to communicate with each other to ensure that corner flags and nets are available for each match.

Should there be a shortage of corner flags, 11-a-side matches take priority for corner flags due to League requirements.

It is the responsibility of EVERYONE to ensure that nets/goals/corner flags, etc are:

  • Available to all age groups
  • Stored in a safe and secure way
  • Looked after and maintained to ensure they last as long as possible.

This includes cleaning and notifying the Committee of any breakages/shortages, etc. that occur during the season.

It is the responsibility of the 5-a-side committee to perform an audit of all goals/nest/corner flags, etc. prior to the 5-a-side tournament. This will serve to ensure that we have enough equipment for the tournament and that the equipment will be ready and available for the new season.

Please ensure that containers are securely locked after use, padlocks on gates should be secured on their housing when opening gates to stop the theft of them.


Each Team must have at least one dedicated person responsible for the overall checklist of tasks for the security and safety of the ground in use by that team. If that responsible person is away for a game, or unavailable, then it is their duty to ensure the role is passed onto another person.

That person will have responsibility for any keys required (the Key Holder)
Nibshaw Lane has a Car Park key.

Princess Mary Stadium has a Container key.

EBCSA has a Main Compound Gate Key (Blue), Roller Shutters Key (Green), Front Door Key (Red) and a Cleaning Cupboard Key (Yellow/Orange).

The changing rooms at EBCSA also have an alarm. You have 30 seconds to deactivate the alarm, using the alarm access code, on the keypad on the wall to the left of the entrance hall. At the end of the entrance hall is the Cleaning Cupboard. This can be opened using the Yellow/Orange Key and other keys will then be found in the key box on the wall to the right of the door. Other keys can then be used from the key box but MUST be returned to the box at the end of the match or training session. These keys can be used for:

  • Locking changing rooms whilst in use.
  • Locking Match Officials rooms whilst in use.
  • Unlocking the external equipment store during the session (note this also requires the Roller Shutter key).
  • Unlocking the external water tap.

There are public toilets at EBCSA. The shutter at the back of the left-hand wall of the changing rooms is where the Public Toilets are. The Public toilet door may be opened using the key that is kept in the key box in the Cleaning Cupboard. Please return the key after locking up at the end of the session, and roll down the shutters, locking them with the Green Key.

The Key Holder is responsible for the preservation of good order during matches and training sessions and needs to supervise the activities to ensure all site users are happy with the environment.

Access to changing rooms and storage containers should only be granted to people you know. Please question anyone entering changing rooms or trying to access storage containers that are not known to you. Access to any ground (and public toilets when open) is difficult to control during matches and training sessions, but please ensure everyone leaves the site once the session has ended. No vehicles should be allowed to remain at the ground after you have closed up, especially when locking any car parks.

Where sessions are shared with other site users it is the responsibility of the Key Holder to ensure the closing up tasks are carried out, even if this means passing those tasks on to other site users. Make sure that the tasks are completed with positive communication, rather than making any assumptions those tasks will be carried out. If you are not sure who the other Key Holders are then please ask first.

The following tasks need to be carried out before closing up the ground and changing rooms:

  • Clean playing and supporter areas of all rubbish left on the ground
  • Empty all bins
  • Clean all mud from pavements, roads, seating areas and changing rooms
  • Ensure no boots are worn in any changing rooms
  • If changing rooms were used then sweep up all mud from all areas including Match Officials rooms, changing rooms (home and away), main entrance and all toilets
  • If showers were used then they should be cleaned of any rubbish such as empty shower gel
  • container
  • Ensure containers and equipment stores are locked
  • If using EBSCA then ensure the external water tap is locked
  • If using EBSCA then ensure the Hot Water has been switched off and the Heating has been switched back to timed
  • If using EBSCA then return all keys that should remain onsite to the key box in the Cleaning
  • Cupboard and lock the cupboard. Arm the alarm using the alarm access code, followed by FULL. Shut and lock the Front Door using the Red Key. Pull the shutters down, replace barrels and lock the shutter using the Green Key. Finally, lock the Compound Main Gate using the Blue Key
  • Check again that the ground is left in a clean and tidy condition and all rubbish has been removed
  • Check again that all containers, changing rooms, toilets, shutters and gates are fully locked
  • Ensure no vehicles are left in the Car Park
  • Finally, lock the Car Park and/or Ground and be the last person to leave


The Gomersal & Cleckheaton FC Management Committee will ensure that each playing member has a Club kit for playing representative matches.

The Club has adopted a standard kit to ensure that there is a Club identity and that ordering extra, replacement shirts, etc, is easy.

Team Managers should inform the Management Committee if a new kit is required.
The purchase of the kit must be made only with the authority of the Management Committee. This applies to both first and second strips.
The cost of a new kit is currently in the region of £450 (including the GCFC badge and numbers on the back of the shirts).

Wherever possible, sponsorship for the new kit should be obtained in advance.

All sponsorship money for the kit must be paid to the Club, and the Club will then pay for the kit directly. The ownership of the kit then remains with the Club.

The sponsor's name or logo may be added to the kit at the time of ordering if required.

If a team requires a kit and has no sponsorship, the Management Committee may endeavour to provide kit from other age groups before authorising the purchase of a new kit.

Unless a prior agreement has been given, all kit shall be purchased from EV2.

The Gomersal & Cleckheaton FC main playing kit shall be:

  • Red and Black vertical striped shirts
  • Black Shorts
  • Black socks
  • Shirts must have the Gomersal & Cleckheaton FC badge printed or embroidered on them
  • Shirts should have numbers on the back
  • Shirts must not have names on the back
  • All kit remains the property of Gomersal & Cleckheaton FC

When a new kit is purchased, every effort should be made to recall the old kit from playing members so that it may be passed onto other age groups if possible.

Any kit that is handed back in and that cannot be used again will be passed on to KitAid – a charity that distributes unwanted kits to underprivileged children mainly in Africa.

If an alternate strip is required (eg for away games where there is known to be a colour clash), the Team Manager has the following alternatives:

  • Borrow an alternative kit from another age group
  • Find sufficient sponsorship money to cover the cost of the club's alternative set of shirts/kit
  • Reverse the shirts (the inside of the shirt is usually a different colour)
  • Wear bibs
  • Ask the opposition if they have an alternative strip to play in


For Mini Soccer and Youth Football, it is the responsibility of the home team manager to provide a referee unless the League appoint an official referee. This is rare in all except the older age groups (Under 17s and 18s) due to the general lack of qualified referees. In the Open Age leagues, referees will be appointed, but in the rare exception they are not then it is the responsibility of the teams to appoint one on match day.

For Cup matches a qualified referee may be appointed by the West Riding FA.

Where an official referee is appointed, please ensure that they are aware of the pitch location and kick-off time as soon as possible.

If you are paying a referee please ensure that payment is made immediately after the match. The actual fee charged by the referee is usually a fixed amount (specified by the League or West Riding) plus reasonable travelling expenses.

If you do not have a referee, try to get a parent to referee (especially in the younger age groups).

If you still cannot get a referee try to contact one of the other Team Managers to see if they know of an available referee.

Please encourage parents/guardians/supporters to attend a refereeing course if possible, to then become your appointed referee.

Whoever referees, once the match begins their word is final.

Please ensure that you support the referees and are not seen to be criticising or abusing them during the game. If there is a problem with the referee, you have the right to report the matter at the end of the game to the League and the West Riding FA if necessary.

Never take your team off the pitch over a refereeing decision.