Club Policies 4 of 11

4. Complaints & Disciplinary Procedures


  1. Complaints should be directed to the Team Manager in the first instance.
  2. If the complaint concerns the Team Manager directly, or the Team Manager cannot resolve the issue satisfactorily then the Age Group Manager should be approached.
  3. Complaints which cannot be addressed to the Team Manager or the Age Group Manager should be sent in writing to the Club Secretary
  4. Where the issue involves a Playing Member, the Welfare Officer should be informed immediately in order to seek advice and guidance
  5. All complaints should be documented and passed to the Club Secretary
  6. If further action is required, the Club Secretary will discuss the matter with the Management Committee who will either act or ask that a sub-committee be formed to act on the matter.
  7. At all times all parties should be kept informed of events and any decisions made


  1. The Club shall seek to enforce a Code of Conduct (see a separate document) which must be adhered to by all Playing Members, Management, Team Representatives, Officers of the Club, Parents and Spectators
  2. Any action which breaches the code of discipline and brings the club into disrepute shall be dealt with by the Club’s Disciplinary Committee (which shall be formed at the request of the Management Committee as required)
  3. The decision of the Committee shall be final, subject to the appeal process defined below
  4. The Disciplinary Committee may be asked to preside over issues which are referred to it by the Management Committee
  5. The following actions may be taken by the Disciplinary Committee:
  6. Incident Dismissed – No Further Action. This does not mean that the FA will not impose their own punishments for the same issue, merely that the Club see no reason to take further action themselves.
  7. Reprimand – Verbal reprimand for the person concerned on behalf of the Club. Usually given for non-serious breaches of Club discipline
  8. Warning – Written warning issued on behalf of the Club. Usually given for more serious breaches of Club discipline, or for repeated non-serious breaches of Club discipline
  9. Final Warning – Final Written warning – Issued for incidents viewed by the Committee as a Very Serious breach of Club discipline, or after repeated Written Warnings.
  10. Dismissal – A person may be required to leave the club with immediate effect. This action should be taken where Serious Misconduct has taken place or for repeated disciplinary offences.
  11. For any offences, the Club shall have the right to fine or suspend a person from the
  12. Club in addition to the actions listed above. These shall be in accordance with the severity of the incident and independent of any fine or suspension imposed by any League governing body as a result of an incident that has occurred at a competitive match.
  13. The Disciplinary Committee may take any of these actions as they see fit. It does not follow that Reprimands and Warnings need to be given before the Final Written Warnings or even Dismissal if the incident warrants such action.
  14. An appeal may be made in writing to the Club Secretary within 14 days of the judgement of the Disciplinary Committee.
  15. If a personal hearing is requested and is granted by the Management Committee, the hearing would consist of the Management Committee, the Chairman of the Disciplinary Committee and the individual concerned (and the Welfare Officer if appropriate)
  16. The decision of the Appeals Committee is final.